I’m Siddharth, a Master’s student at the Language Technology Institute, in Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Computer Science, studying Intelligent Information Systems (MIIS). I am passionate about building systems which can be used to augment general capabilities via seamless interactions through natural language.

My interests broadly span the intersection of deep learning (DL), information retrieval (IR) and natural language processing (NLP). Currently, I am working with Prof. Jamie Callan on a neural IR project to find relevant code files to be updated in a large code base, given a new feature request/design document and using LLMs to make the required changes.

Previously, I graduated top of my class from VIT Vellore with a Bachelor’s in Computer Science and Engineering. I was a recipient of the DAAD WISE Scholarship and worked as a Research Intern at the Technical University of Munich under Dr. Felix Dietrich, where I worked on modelling Stochastic Differential Equations using Neural Networks. I further collaborated with Dr. Dietrich for my Bachelor’s Thesis where we looked at improving literature recommendations with citation-informed reranking.

I’m actively looking for Summer 2024 internship in ML/DL, NLP or SDE roles. Please feel free to reach out to me via email or check out my CV for more details.